
The filter function in DUQL is used to select rows from a dataset based on specified conditions. It allows you to narrow down your data to only the records that meet certain criteria.


filter: <condition>



  • Evaluates the specified condition for each row in the dataset.

  • Retains only the rows where the condition evaluates to true.

  • Can use complex expressions involving multiple columns, functions, and operators.


Basic Comparison

filter: age > 18

Date Range

filter: (created_at | in @1776-07-04..@1787-09-17)

Numeric Range

filter: (magnitude | in 50..100)

String Matching

filter: (name.lower | =~ '%smith%') && age >= 21

Date Calculation

filter: order_date > current_date() - interval '30 days'

Using Parameters

filter: id == $1

Array Contains

filter: array_contains tags 'urgent' && status != 'completed'

Complex Conditions

filter: (revenue - costs) / revenue > 0.2 && date.year(order_date) == 2023

Nested Conditions

filter: age >= 18 && (has_parental_consent || country != "US")

Using SQL Functions

filter: sql'regexp_contains(title, ''([a-z0-9]*-){{2,}}'')'

Best Practices

  1. 🎯 Be as specific as possible with your filter conditions to improve query performance.

  2. 🔍 Use parentheses to clarify the order of operations in complex conditions.

  3. 🧪 Test your filter conditions with sample data to ensure they produce expected results.

  4. 📊 Consider using multiple filter steps for complex logic, improving readability.

  5. 🚀 Place filters early in your query pipeline to reduce data volume for subsequent operations.

  6. 🔢 Use parameters ($1, $2, etc.) for dynamic filtering when appropriate.

Real-World Use Case

Here's an example of a DUQL query that uses multiple filter steps to analyze high-value orders from loyal customers:

dataset: orders

- filter: order_date >= @2023-01-01
- join:
    dataset: customers
    where: orders.customer_id ==
- filter: customers.account_created_at < @2022-01-01  # Loyal customers
- join:
    dataset: products
    where: orders.product_id ==
- generate:
    order_total: quantity * price
    is_discounted: discount_rate > 0
- filter: order_total > 1000  # High-value orders
- group:
    by: [customer_id,]
            total_spent: sum order_total
            order_count: count order_id 
            discounted_orders: sum is_discounted
- filter: order_count >= 3  # Repeat high-value customers
- generate:
    average_order_value: total_spent / order_count
    discount_rate: discounted_orders / order_count
- filter: discount_rate < 0.5  # Mostly full-price purchases
- sort: -total_spent
- take: 100

into: top_loyal_customers

This query demonstrates:

  1. Filtering orders by date

  2. Joining with customer and product data

  3. Filtering for loyal customers (account created before 2022)

  4. Calculating order totals and identifying discounted orders

  5. Filtering for high-value orders (over $1000)

  6. Aggregating customer data

  7. Filtering for repeat high-value customers (3 or more orders)

  8. Calculating average order value and discount rate

  9. Filtering for customers who mostly pay full price

  10. Sorting and limiting the results

The resulting top_loyal_customers dataset provides a focused view of the most valuable loyal customers who frequently make large purchases without heavy reliance on discounts.

💡 Tip: The filter function is your primary tool for data selection in DUQL. Use it strategically throughout your query pipeline to focus your analysis on the most relevant data. Combine it with generate and group functions for powerful data insights!

Last updated