
The steps component in DUQL represents a series of data transformation operations applied sequentially to your dataset. It's the heart of DUQL's query structure, providing a flexible and intuitive way to express complex data manipulations as a pipeline of operations.


- <step_1>
- <step_2>
- <step_3>
# ... more steps as needed


  • Each step in the pipeline takes the output of the previous step as its input.

  • Steps are executed in the order they are listed.

  • The pipeline is flexible, allowing you to add, remove, or reorder steps easily.

  • You can use any DUQL function as a step in the pipeline.

Supported Step Types

The steps pipeline can include any combination of the following operations:

  • filter: Select rows based on conditions

  • generate: Create new columns or modify existing ones

  • group: Aggregate data

  • join: Combine data from multiple sources

  • select: Choose or compute columns

  • sort: Order results

  • take: Limit the number of rows

  • window: Perform window functions

  • append: Combine datasets by adding rows

  • remove: Exclude specific rows or subsets

  • intersect: Find common rows between datasets

  • distinct: Remove duplicate rows

  • union: Combine datasets, removing duplicates

  • except: Find rows in one dataset but not in another

  • loop: Perform iterative processing

Flexibility and Power

The steps pipeline in DUQL offers several advantages:

  1. Modularity: Each step performs a specific operation, making queries easy to understand and maintain.

  2. Reusability: You can easily copy, paste, and modify steps between queries.

  3. Readability: The sequential nature of steps makes the data transformation process clear and logical.

  4. Incremental Development: You can build complex queries step by step, testing and refining as you go.

  5. Easy Debugging: You can comment out or remove steps to isolate issues in your query.

  6. Flexibility: Steps can be easily reordered or modified to change the query logic.


Basic Pipeline

- filter: order_date >= @2023-01-01
- generate:
    total_amount: price * quantity
- group:
    by: product_id
      total_sales: sum(total_amount)
- sort: -total_sales
- take: 10

Complex Data Transformation

- filter: status == 'active'
- join:
    dataset: customer_details
    where: orders.customer_id ==
- generate:
    age: datediff(years, birth_date, current_date()) # assuming this is a custom function
      - age < 25: "Young Adult"
      - age < 40: "Adult"
      - age < 60: "Middle Age"
      - true: "Senior"
- group:
    by: [customer_segment, product_category]
      total_revenue: sum price * quantity
      average_order_value: avg price * quantity
- sort: [customer_segment, -total_revenue]
- generate:
      sql'ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_segment ORDER BY total_revenue DESC)'
- filter: revenue_rank <= 5

Best Practices

  1. 🔍 Start with a filter step to reduce data volume early in the pipeline.

  2. 🧮 Use generate steps to create new columns needed for analysis.

  3. 🔗 Place join steps early in the pipeline, but after initial filtering.

  4. 📊 Use group steps for aggregations, followed by generate for post-aggregation calculations.

  5. 🏷️ Use select towards the end of the pipeline to choose final output columns.

  6. 🔢 End with sort and take steps to order and limit final results.

  7. 📝 Comment your steps for complex queries to explain the transformation logic.

Real-World Use Case

Here's an example of a DUQL query that uses a complex steps pipeline to perform a cohort analysis:

dataset: user_actions

- filter: action_date >= @2023-01-01
- group:
    by: [cohort_date, months_since_first_action]
      user_count: count_distinct user_id
      total_actions: count action_id
- join:
      - dataset: user_actions
      - group:
          by: cohort_date
            initial_users: count_distinct user_id
    where: ==cohort_date
- sort: [cohort_date, months_since_first_action]
- select:
    Cohort: cohort_date
    "Months Since First Action": months_since_first_action
    "User Count": user_count
    "Retention Rate": retention_rate
- filter: months_since_first_action <= 12

into: user_cohort_analysis

This query demonstrates:

  1. Filtering recent data

  2. Generating cohort and time-based columns

  3. Aggregating user actions

  4. Joining with a subquery to get initial user counts

  5. Calculating retention rates

  6. Sorting results

  7. Selecting and renaming final columns

  8. Filtering to show only the first year of data for each cohort

The steps pipeline allows for this complex analysis to be expressed clearly and logically, making it easy to understand and modify the cohort analysis process.

💡 Tip: Think of the steps pipeline as a data assembly line. Each step performs a specific task, gradually shaping your data into the final form you need. Don't hesitate to experiment with the order and composition of steps to achieve your desired result!

Last updated