
The sort function in DUQL is used to specify the order of rows in the output. It supports sorting by multiple columns, in ascending or descending order, and can use complex expressions for sorting criteria.


sort: <sorting_criteria>



  • Sorts the dataset based on the specified criteria.

  • Can sort by single or multiple columns.

  • Supports ascending (default) and descending order.

  • Can use expressions and SQL functions for complex sorting.


Sort by a Single Column

sort: last_name

Sort in Descending Order

sort: -age

Sort by Multiple Columns

sort: [department, -salary]

Sort with Complex Criteria

  - last_name
  - first_name
  - -hire_date

Sort with Column Renaming

  Order Date: order_date
  "Total Amount": -order_total

Sort with Expressions

  - category
  - sum -sales_amount

Sort with SQL Functions

  sql: "CASE WHEN status = 'urgent' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, created_at DESC"

Best Practices

  1. 🎯 Choose sorting criteria that align with your analysis goals.

  2. 🔢 Use descending order (prefix with -) for "top N" type queries.

  3. 📊 Consider performance implications when sorting large datasets.

  4. 🧮 Leverage expressions and SQL functions for complex sorting logic.

  5. 🚀 Place sort before take when you want to limit results based on the sort order.

  6. 🔍 Be explicit about sort order for clarity, even when using the default ascending order.

Real-World Use Case

Here's an example of a DUQL query that uses sort to analyze customer purchase behavior:

dataset: orders

  - join:
      dataset: customers
      where: orders.customer_id ==
  - generate:
      total_amount: price * quantity
        sql'DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE, MAX(order_date) OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id))'
  - group:
      by: [customer_id,,]
      - summarize:
          total_spent: sum total_amount
          avg_order_value: avg total_amount
          order_count: count order_id
          last_order_date: max order_date
  - generate:
          - total_spent > 10000: "High"
          - total_spent > 5000: "Medium"
          - true: "Low"
  - sort: [-total_spent, -order_count, last_order_date]
  - take: 100

into: top_customers_analysis

This query demonstrates:

  1. Joining order data with customer information

  2. Calculating total amount and days since last order

  3. Grouping and summarizing by customer

  4. Generating a customer value category

  5. Sorting by multiple criteria:

    • Total spent (descending)

    • Order count (descending)

    • Last order date (ascending)

  6. Taking the top 100 customers based on this sorting

The sort step ensures that we get the most valuable customers, prioritizing those who have spent more, made more orders, and purchased more recently.

💡 Tip: The sort function is crucial for organizing your data meaningfully. Combine it with take to efficiently retrieve the most important subset of your data based on your sorting criteria!

Last updated