
The summarize function in DUQL is used to perform aggregations on your data, condensing multiple rows into summary statistics. It can be used both as a top-level function and within the group function, offering flexibility in how you aggregate your data.


As a top-level function:

  <new_column_name>: <aggregation_function>

Within a group function:

  by: <grouping_columns>
      <new_column_name>: <aggregation_function>


  1. Top-level usage: When used at the top level, summarize produces a single row summarizing the entire dataset.

  2. Within group: When used inside a group function, it produces one summary row for each unique combination of the grouping columns.

This dual behavior allows for both global summaries and group-specific summaries within the same query language.

Common Aggregation Functions

Currently, all declared aggregation functions are min, max, count, average, stddev, avg, sum and count_distinct


Top-level Summarize

dataset: sales

  - summarize:
      total_revenue: sum amount
      average_order_value: avg amount
      order_count: count order_id
      unique_customers: count_distinct customer_id

This query will produce a single row with overall summary statistics for the entire sales dataset.

Summarize Within Group

dataset: sales

  - group:
      by: [category, order_year]
      - summarize:
          total_revenue: sum amount
          average_order_value: avg amount
          order_count: count order_id

This query will produce summary statistics for each unique combination of category and year.

Combined Usage

dataset: sales

  - group:
      by: category
      - summarize:
        category_revenue: sum amount
        category_orders: count order_id
  - summarize:
      total_revenue: sum category_revenue
      total_orders: sum category_orders
      num_categories: count category

This query first summarizes data by category, then provides an overall summary of those category summaries.

Best Practices

  1. 🎯 Choose appropriate aggregation functions for your data types and analysis goals.

  2. 🏷️ Use clear and descriptive names for your summarized columns.

  3. 🧮 Be aware of how null values are handled in your aggregations.

  4. 🚀 Consider performance implications when summarizing large datasets.

  5. 📊 Use top-level summarize for overall statistics and group with summarize for segmented analysis.

  6. 🔍 Validate your summary results, especially when using complex aggregation expressions.

Real-World Use Case

Here's an example of a DUQL query that uses summarize both within group and at the top level to analyze sales performance:

  recent_date: @2023-01-01
  calculate_margin: revenue cost -> (revenue - cost) / revenue * 100

dataset: sales

- filter: sale_date >= recent_date
- join:
    dataset: products
    where: sales.product_id ==
- generate:
    revenue: price * quantity
    margin: calculate_margin revenue cost
- group:
    by: [category, sale_month]
    - summarize:
      monthly_revenue: sum revenue
      monthly_quantity: sum quantity
      avg_margin: avg margin
      product_count: count_distinct product_id
- sort: [category, sale_month]
- summarize:
    total_revenue: sum monthly_revenue
    total_quantity: sum monthly_quantity
    overall_avg_margin: avg avg_margin
    peak_monthly_revenue: max monthly_revenue
    total_products: sum product_count

into: sales_performance_summary

This query demonstrates:

  1. Filtering recent sales data

  2. Joining with product information

  3. Calculating revenue and margin

  4. Grouping by category and month, with monthly summaries

  5. Sorting the grouped results

  6. Providing an overall summary of the grouped data

The resulting sales_performance_summary dataset offers both detailed monthly performance by category and overall performance metrics, showcasing the flexibility of the summarize function in DUQL.

💡 Tip: The summarize function is a versatile tool in DUQL. Use it at the top level for quick overall insights, or within group for detailed breakdowns. Combine both approaches to create comprehensive analytical queries!

Last updated