
The into function in DUQL is used to specify the destination for your query results. It allows you to name the output dataset, which can then be used in subsequent queries or operations.


into: <output_name>



Basic Usage

into: monthly_sales_report

As Part of a Larger Query

dataset: sales_transactions
- filter: date >= @2023-01-01
- group:
    by: [product_category]
    - summarize:
        total_sales: sum amount
- sort: -total_sales
into: top_selling_categories

Use Cases

  1. Creating Named Results: Use into to give meaningful names to query outputs for easier reference in subsequent analyses.

  2. Building Data Pipelines: Chain multiple queries together by using the output of one query as the input for another.

  3. Temporary Table Creation: In database systems that support it, into can be used to create temporary tables for complex multi-step analyses.

  4. Materializing Views: Some database systems allow you to create materialized views, which can be achieved using the into clause.

Best Practices

  1. 🏷️ Use descriptive and meaningful names for your output to clearly indicate the content or purpose of the dataset.

  2. 🔄 When creating multiple outputs in a complex analysis, use a consistent naming convention to improve readability and maintainability.

  3. 📊 Consider the lifecycle of your data. If the output is temporary, you might want to use a prefix like tmp_ or temp_ in the name.

  4. 🧹 In multi-step analyses, use into to create intermediate results, which can help in debugging and optimizing your queries.

  5. 📚 Document the purpose and content of named outputs, especially in complex data pipelines or when sharing queries with team members.

  • dataset: Defines the main data source for the query

  • steps: Specifies the transformation steps before the final output

Limitations and Considerations

  • The behavior of into may vary slightly depending on the target database system specified in the settings section.

  • Some database systems may have restrictions on table or view names, so be aware of any naming conventions or limitations in your target system.

  • When using into to create persistent tables or views, ensure you have the necessary permissions in your database system.

💡 Tip: The into function is a powerful tool for structuring your data pipeline and creating reusable datasets. Use it strategically to break down complex analyses into manageable, logical steps!

Last updated